Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora
A re you looking to get a new cat soon? Great! You may want to consider a
purebred cat. There are many breeds that can be found in this country, each with its own
characteristic appearance and temperament and history. Think carefully about what you
would characteristics you would like to see in your new companion. Perhaps you would
care to consider:

Turkish Angora

    Beautiful and rare, the elegant Turkish Angora is considered a national treasure in
its home country of Turkey. The breeds name came from the former Turkish capital,
Angora, now called Ankara. The Turkish Angora probably originated in the mountains of
Turkey. This graceful breed may have descended from the Manul cat, which was a small
cat domesticated by the Tartars. Turkish Angoras can be traced back in European
writings to 16th century France. The breed was enormously popular with French and
British nobility in the 1700s. Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI as well as King Louis
XV are said to have been Turkish Angora fanciers. The particular breed practically faded away entirely
in this first 1900s caused by indiscriminate interbreeding with Persians to help you the particular factor in which
nearly all of longhaired kittens and cats ended up referred to as Angoras. Fortunately, Turkish breeders
continued controlled reproduction in this lovely breed of dog. In the nineteen fifties, U . s . servicemen
discovered Turkish Angoras with the Ankara Zoo. These servicemen reintroduced the particular
Turkish Angora for you to cat fanciers everywhere. All modern Turkish Angoras ought to search for their particular
ancestry so that you can Bulgaria.

 Turkish Angoras, though very prized, are generally unfortunately fairly exceptional even their
lands of origins. They are loving, playful and very adaptable to many situations. This
breed is very friendly and outgoing. They coexist well with dogs. Turkish Angoras are
often the first to greet guests and are known to stick around to visit with them. Turkish
Angoras make outstanding family pets. This breed is also famous for its tendency to bond
strongly with one special human. Once that bond is formed, this cat will be an always
present, always affectionate companion.

 Elegant and graceful, this breeds' most distinguishing feature is its beautiful coat.
White is the most popular color but many others colors are available and are becoming
more popular with time. The Turkish Angoras long haired, single layered coat is soft and
silky. It rarely mats or tangles and so requires little grooming. Most owners do use a fine
toothed comb their cats a couple times a week anyway, to get rid of loose hair and reduce
the likelihood of hairballs. Being a natural breed, they are also very healthy cats.

 These cats are highly intelligent and need to have lots of interaction with their
people or they tend to get bored. It's a good idea to have another lively feline playmate
for The Turkish Angora to play with when you are away. Otherwise, she is liable to get
into mischief.

    The Turkish Angora cat is a breed whose cheerful ways continue to charm people
every day. Give the Turkish Angora cat a closer look. This breed is considered the most
outgoing and affectionate of all cat breeds. This cats' grace and energy would make it a
lovely and entertaining pet. This cat may be exactly what you are looking for in a new

Selecting Your Cat

    It's any superb time today! Nowadays is the evening you actually go out and about for you to come across your current new pal and
companion, your current new cat. Nonetheless where complete anyone get to help come across her? What will you'll want to seem
for? What exactly could you be advised to steer clear of? Let's take a look at every single question.

    Where complete I obtain my brand new kitten? Right now there are a large number of places where cats are
available for new homes. The local animal shelter is an excellent place to begin. They
always have a very good selection of cats and kittens to choose from. With so many
different breeds, sizes, colors, and ages to choose from you're almost sure to find a new
friend just waiting for you to come and pick her up. Farmers frequently have kittens that
are available to go to a new home. If you are interested in a particular breed of cat,
contact their registry. They should be able to direct you to a reputable breeder in your

    Now that you have looked over the cats or kittens available, how do you select
right one for you? First and foremost, make sure the cat or kitten is healthy. Bright eyes,
shining coat and a lively manner are indicators of good health. Interact with the kitten or
cat. Does she hiss and pull away when you touch her or does she purr and rub her head
against your hand? Is she patient or happy to be picked up, or is she frantic to get away?
Does she walk away from people and sit down as far away as she can with her ears down
or does she hold her ground and let her curiosity draw her to the new person. It will
become obvious pretty quickly which kitten or cat will have the kind of personality that
you will enjoy. Avoid the cat or kitten with an ugly attitude or that shows poor health.
That will be the way to avoid heartbreak on down the road.

    Another thing that you should consider is yourself. What do I mean? I mean that
you should take stock of yourself. Most people are a sucker for kittens. Those little fluff
balls with their sweet faces are nearly impossible to resist. Do you have the time and
energy to deal with a lively kitten and her antics? (Oh, you mean I'm not supposed to
swing on the drapes?) Perhaps you would be more comfortable with an older cat who
already knows all about litter boxes and not climbing on top of the counter. A quiet adult
who will sit on your lap and purr while you watch your favorite show may be more your
speed. Be honest with yourself. You and your new cat will be much happier for it.

    Okay, you've assessed yourself and the kittens and cats available to you. You've
picked out your perfect new friend. On your way home think over what supplies you have
at home. Do you have everything you need? A litter box with nice fresh litter? Is there a
little scooper to clean her litter box with? A food dish and a water bowl? Do you have
good quality food for her? Is it the one she is already used to? No? Perhaps you might
want to stop and pick up a small bag of the one she's familiar with. It will be something
she already is aware in some sort of strange place along with may help the woman's become secure throughout her brand new
home faster. Begin blending your preferred food into her old one particular inside the on its way
days, eventually shifting her absolutely for you to her new food by the time the small bag comes to an end.

    There is much to consider when getting a new cat. Take your time. Make positive most
your formulations are made. You will end up on the way for you to a happy life for you along with
your fresh cat.

Guest Readers Cat Of The Week: Ollie


Ollie-boy, Boysie, Boysie Chops, Ching Chang Chollie, Ozley Bozley, Oliver (when in trouble)

Theme Tune?
Sexy Boy by AIR


Zoe and Nathan 

Brief biography?
I lived with another family for a couple of years, running around being very manly and hunting a lot. But then it all changed earlier this year and I ended up in a lovely lady's rescue centre in South London. My humans came to visit and picked me straight away because, well, who could resist this handsome face?

Oh, were you using that?

Favourite Habits?
I like to pretend to dig very early in the morning, as if I'm preparing for a little wee. I know this wakes my humans out of fear that I'm actually going to do it. Then they're awake and feed me. Oh, and I’ll sit on any open laptop. Why would you work when you have me to look at?

What constitutes a perfect evening for you?
A quick runaround outside and then I’ll pose on the arm of the sofa. I'm pretty good looking, so everyone in the room gives me attention. If I'm looking exceptionally handsome, my humans sometimes reward me with a laser pen.

Favourite food?
I like all food apart from hummus and tomatoes. I once ate a bowl of cake icing when the girl human wasn't looking. That didn't go down too well, but did come up quite fantastically. But my humans clean up after me and I don't think they mind a bit of projectile vomit.

Defining moment of your life?
My first poo in the bath. God it was good. It made me feel so enlightened, so free. That's when I really found myself for the first time. I'm not sure my humans appreciate it as they've started keeping the door shut but I'm always on the look out and strike when they forget.

Any enemies?
Doris from upstairs. You can see why. 

If you could do one thing to make the world a better place for felines what would it be?
Dreamies vending machines.

If you could meet a celebrity who would it be and why?
Ryan Gosling. We could have a handsomeness competition. I'd win and then they'd make a colouring book of pictures of me instead.

Which one of the cats in Under The Paw and Talk To The Tail  would you like to be stuck in a lift with?
I'd like to hang out with Ralph. He looks good, and so do I, so we could create a new cat-boy-band and make the lady cats swoon.

A Year Of Roscoe

This was taken on the first day she arrived here last year. I think it's clear to see the love in her eyes for me and very obvious that she doesn't want to murder me with tiny knives at all.